Drop Id #173147View in Family

Munich Tech Sauna - Therme Erding '24

May 8, 2024 - May 9, 2024
Erding, Germany
This once-a-year pilgrimage of Munich Tech Sauna 🔥❄️🚀 to Therme Erding was nothing short of extraordinary. As we stepped into the world's largest SPA and sauna sanctuary, emotions soared high with anticipation and excitement. Enveloped in the blissful ambiance, we surrendered ourselves to the rituals of the Banja and Keltenthron sauna, savoring every moment as if it were a precious treasure. Amidst the steamy allure of the sauna, we forged unforgettable connections, basking in the warmth of camaraderie and shared passion. With hearts full and spirits lifted, we reveled in the vast pool, allowing relaxation to wash over us in waves. This gathering was not just an event; it was a transcendent experience, etched into our memories as a cherished highlight of the year. Forever yours... and we etched it onto the blockchain, too! ❤️
